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SLU publication database (SLUpub)

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Department of Soil and Environment

Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences


2676-2700 out of 2829 results


Research article2002Peer reviewedOpen access

Monitoring energy and mass transfers during the Alpilles-ReSeDA experiment

Olioso A, Braud I, Chanzy A, Demarty M, Ducros Y, Gaudu JC, Gonzalez-Sosa E, Lewan E, Marloie O, Ottle C, Prevot L, Thony JL, Autret H, Bethenod O, Bonnefond JM, Bruguier N, Buis JP, Calvet JC, Caselles V, Chauki H, Coll C, Francois C, Goujet R, Jongschaap R, Kerr Y, King C, Lagouarde JP, Laurent JP, Lecharpentier P, McAneney J, Moulin S, Rubio E, Weiss M, Wigneron JP.