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Conference abstract2022

Workshop on "One Health, SDGs and ethical conflicts" - creating a roadmap

Lerner, Henrik; Berg, Lotta


This workshop finalizes the track ‘One Health, SDGs and ethical conflicts’, with the aim to find consensus – or at least a generally agreed roadmap – of what an ethics of One Health should aim for. Expanding ethics from traditionally intra-disciplinary ethical discussions in medicine, nursing science, public health and veterinary medicine will not be sufficient for all aspects of ethics within the wide scope of various One Health approaches. The type of ethic standpoint aimed for here needs to be a very broad version of bioethics, dealing with conflicts between anthropocentrism, zoocentrism, biocentrism and ecocentrism. To us, it is
obvious that although many species and ecosystems can sometimes benefit from the same intervention there are inevitably cases where, on the contrary, different species or ecosystems may be protected or receive improved health at the cost of other species or ecosystems. It also needs to balance ethical standpoints from various cultures and ethical traditions. The aim of the workshop is to prepare a declaration on these matters or at least a road map on how ethics can be incorporated in the core of One Health approaches, as well as identifying the areas where further developments are most urgently needed. The
declaration or roadmap will also indicate areas worth considering in future research and policy making regarding ethics in relation to the SDGs. The input for this will be the discussions from the workshop as well as earlier presentations within this track.
This workshop will address the theme of the conference in the aspects of courage and culture as well as human rights. In the search for an ethics that could be applicable in One Health approaches one will need to have the courage to include humans, animals, plants and ecosystems. Similarly, one also needs to discuss human rights in relation to animals, plants and ecosystems.
This workshop focus on SDG 3 in relation to other SDGs, especially SDG 10, 13, 14 and 15.

Published in

Publisher: International Sustainable Development Research Society


The 28th Annual Conference, International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS 2022), "Sustainable Development and Courage. Culture, Art and Human Rights", 15-17 June 2022, Stockholm, Sweden.

SLU Authors

UKÄ Subject classification

Health Care Service and Management, Health Policy and Services and Health Economy
Medical Ethics

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