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Report2024Open access

Radionuclide bioaccumulation and transfer in aquatic food webs

Bell, Olivia


With an increasing reliance on nuclear power as a low-carbon energy source, understanding the pathways and dynamics of planned or unplanned radionuclide releases to the environment and subsequent transfer within food webs is essential for assessing environmental risks. This essay explores the mechanisms by which radionuclides accumulate in aquatic organisms and transfer through food webs. Factors influencing bioaccumulation, including environmental parameters, radionuclide properties, and organismal characteristics, are reviewed. Additionally, this essay investigates the role of food web structure in mediating the transfer of radionuclides, highlighting the influence of climate-induced changes in food web structure. The findings underline the complexity of radionuclide contaminant pathways in aquatic ecosystems and emphasize the need for research on the impact of shifting food web structures due to climate change on radionuclide transfer. This understanding is crucial for assessing and mitigating future environmental risks associated with nuclear energy production.

Published in

Aqua introductory research essay
2024, number: 2024:3
Publisher: Department of Aquatic Resources, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

SLU Authors

UKÄ Subject classification

Environmental Sciences

Publication identifier

  • DOI:
  • eISBN: 978-91-8046-634-9

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