Bengtsson, Anna
- Department of People and Society, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Book chapter2025Peer reviewed
Bengtsson, Anna; Åshage, Anna; Grahn, Patrik
All over the world, people migrate from the countryside to the cities. The demand for land, especially in the central parts of cities, often leads to densification, where green spaces disappear in favour of workplaces, streets, shopping centres, and housing. Densification is expected to provide many advantages in contrast to urban sprawl, such as shorter distances between homes and workplaces, which, among other things, can lead to a reduction in traffic (Elfering & Huber, this volume, Chapter 2). From a technological-economic perspective, densification at the expense of parkland may seem rational (Artmann et al., 2019; Pelczynski & Tomkowicz, 2019; Pont et al., 2021; Teller, 2021). At the same time, more and more people worldwide are suffering from stress-related illnesses. In fact, the World Health Organization has designated stress-related ill health as “the health epidemic of the 21st century” (Fink, 2017, p. 1). For many decision-makers, the connection between green spaces in urban areas and people’s health and well-being may be abstract and difficult to understand, although it has long been known that densely built-up cities with noisy, crowded streets and squares cause stress (Ostfeld & D’Atri, 1975). However, humans are biological beings, where exposure to natural areas affects our health. In this chapter, an urban structure is proposed that is based on people’s immediate need for green areas in the places where they live, work, study, or are cared for. The chapter begins by explaining how green areas can lead to recovery, for example, from high stress levels, where the need for green areas starts inside the houses and extends over the entire city
Title: Creating Urban and Workplace Environments for Recovery and Well-being : New Perspectives on Urban Design and Mental Health
Publisher: Routledge
Built environment
SLU Future One Health
SLU Urban Futures
SDG3 Good health and well-being
SDG11 Sustainable cities and communities
Landscape Architecture
Public Health, Global Health, Social Medicine and Epidemiology