Van Der Nest, Magriet
- University of Pretoria
Research article2008Peer reviewed
van der Nest, Magriet A.; Slippers, Bernard; Stenlid, Jan; Wilken, Pieter M.; Vasaitis, Rimvis; Wingfield, Michael J.; Wingfield, Brenda D.
This study considered the systems controlling sexual and self-recognition in Amylostereum areolatum, a homobasidiomycetous symbiont of the Sirex woodwasp. To investigate the structure and organization of these systems in A. areolatum, we identified a portion of a putative homologue (RAB1) of the pheromone receptor genes of Schizophyllum commune and Coprinus cinereus, and a portion of a putative homologue of the S. commune mitochondrial intermediate peptidase (mip) gene. Diagnostic DNA-based assays for mating-type were developed and their application confirmed that the fungus has a heterothallic tetrapolar mating system. Segregation analysis showed that RAB1 is linked to mating-type B, while mip is linked to mating-type A. The results of sexual and vegetative compatibility tests suggest that sexual recognition in A. areolatum is controlled by two multiallelic mat loci, while self-recognition is controlled by at least two multiallelic het loci. Therefore, despite the association of A. areolatum with the woodwasp and the unique mixture of sexual and clonal reproduction of the fungus, both recognition systems of the fungus appear to be similar in structure and function to those of other homobasidiomycetes. This is the first report regarding the genes controlling recognition of a homobasidiomycete involved in an obligate mutualistic relationship with an insect.
pheromone receptor; mitochondrial intermediate peptidase; mating-type; vegetative incompatibility; het loci
Current Genetics
2008, volume: 53, number: 6, pages: 323-336
Publisher: SPRINGER
Environmental Sciences and Nature Conservation
Social Sciences
Economics and Business