Vasaitis, Rimvydas
- Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Research article2009Peer reviewed
Vasaitis, Rimvydas; Menkis, Audrius; Lim, Young Woon; Seok, Soonja; Tomsovsky, Michal; Jankovsky, Libor; Lygis, Vaidotas; Slippers, Bernard; Stenlid, Jan
The aim of this study was to characterise the genetic variation and molecular relationships of the brown rot polypore, Laetiporus sulphureus s. lat., from Europe, South America, Africa, and Asia, using ITS sequences of the nu-rDNA and by comparing the growth rate in vitro. In a NJ analysis of the sequences of 130 individuals of L. sulphureus s. lat., eight distinct clusters emerged, supported by BS values of 70-100 %. Within each cluster, the ITS rDNA sequence variation was below 3 %. The sequences were also analysed together with Laetiporus sequences available from GenBank. Results demonstrated the possible presence of L. huroniensis in Europe (invalidly named L. montanus) and L. gilbertsonii in South America, and provided more information on the Pan-American and European distribution of one of the clades, currently known in North America as L. sulphureus. L. conifericola formed a separate distinct clade. Moreover, the analysis revealed two unknown Laetiporus taxa in Korea, one in South Africa, and one in Europe. As L. sulphureus is described from Europe (France), and we show that more than one taxon exist here, it is presently not possible to define L. sulphureus s. str. Certain biological differences between some of the clades (in vitro growth rates, chemical composition, and pigmentation) were demonstrated and discussed. (c) 2008 The British Mycological Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aphyllophorales; Basidiomycota; Laetiporus montanus; Polyporaceae; Tree decay; Wood decomposition
Mycological Research
2009, volume: 113, pages: 326-336
Forest Science