Ulen, Barbro
- Department of Soil and Environment, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Research article2014Peer reviewedOpen access
Ulen, Barbro; Etana, Ararso
Two field experiments with drained plots on clay soils (60 and 25 % clay) demonstrated a significant reduction in leaching of total phosphorus after application of structure lime. Aggregate stability, was significantly improved. Phosphorus leaching in particulate form was significantly reduced following structure liming at the site with a very high clay content. Sites representing low (50 mg kg-1) and high (140 mg kg-1) levels of phosphorus extractable with acid ammonium lactate in topsoil displayed differing effects on leaching of dissolved reactive phosphorus. This form of phosphorus was only significantly reduced compared with the control at one site with high topsoil phosphorus status and relatively high (17-18%) degree of phosphorus saturation in the subsoil. Laboratory experiments with simulated rain events applied to topsoil lysimeters from the same site also demonstrated a significant reduction in leaching of dissolved reactive phosphorus. These findings indicate that structure liming is an appropriate leaching mitigation measure on soils with both a high clay content and high soil phosphorus status.
aggregate stability; drainage water; mitigation method; nutrients; turbidity
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil and Plant Science
2014, volume: 64, number: 5, pages: 425-433
Publisher: Taylor & Francis: STM, Behavioural Science and Public Health Titles
Environmental Sciences and Nature Conservation