Arhipova, Natalija
- Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
- Latvian State Forest Research Institute "Silava"
Research article2011Peer reviewedOpen access
Arhipova, Natalija; Gaitnieks, Talis; Donis, Janis; Stenlid, Jan; Vasaitis, Rimvydas
The significance of grey alder (Alnus incana (L.) Moench.) as a fast-growing renewable source for energy and wood production has increased during the last decade. The aims of this study were to: (1) estimate the incidence of stem decay in A. incana stands, (2) measure the extent of decay within individual stems, (3) estimate the impact of decay on wood yield and (4) identify decay-causing fungi. In total, 4344 recently cut A. incana stumps were examined on 46 clearfelled areas in different regions of Latvia. The incidence of decayed stumps varied from 1 to 54 per cent. In addition, 175 living trees were cut to measure the extent of decay within the stems. The length of decay columns varied from 0.4 to 20.6 m and that of spongy rot from 0 to 18.0 m. In total, 354 isolates representing 70 fungal taxa and 1129 isolates representing 131 fungal taxa were obtained from decayed stumps and living stems, respectively. The present study shows that decay and associated fungi are important factors determining biomass production and quality in A. incana stands and that their impact should be seriously considered when cultivating this tree species in the future.
2011, volume: 84, number: 4, pages: 337-348
SDG7 Affordable and clean energy
Forest Science