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Research article2010Peer reviewedOpen access

Disentangling effects of habitat diversity and area on orthopteran species with contrasting mobility

Marini, Lorenzo; Bommarco, Riccardo; Fontana, Paolo; Battisti, Andrea


Loss of semi-natural grasslands and reduction of habitat diversity are considered major potential threats to arthropod diversity in agricultural landscapes. The main aim of this study was to investigate how area and habitat diversity, mediated by shrub encroachment after grassland abandonment, affect species richness of orthopterans in island-like grasslands, and how contrasting mobility might alter species richness response to both factors. We selected 35 isolated patches in landscapes dominated by arable land (durum wheat) in order to obtain two statistically uncorrelated gradients: (i) one in habitat area ranging from 0.2 to 55 ha and (ii) one in habitat diversity ranging from patches dominated by one habitat (either open grasslands or shrublands) to patches with a mosaic of different habitats. Habitat loss due to land-use conversion into arable fields was associated with a substantial loss of species with a positive species-area relationship (SAR), with sedentary species having a steeper and stronger SAR than mobile species. Halting habitat loss is, therefore, needed to avoid further species extinctions. Shrub encroachment, triggered by abandonment, presented a hump-shaped relationship with habitat diversity. An increase in habitat diversity enhanced species richness irrespective of patch area and mobility. Maintaining or enhancing habitat diversity, by cutting or burning small sectors and by reintroducing extensive sheep grazing into abandoned grassland, are suggested as complementary strategies to mitigate further decline of orthopteran diversity in the remnant patches. This would be equally important in both small and large patches. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Abandonment; Dispersal limitation; Fragmentation; Habitat loss; Heterogeneity; Isolation

Published in

Biological Conservation
2010, volume: 143, number: 9, pages: 2164-2171

SLU Authors

Global goals (SDG)

SDG15 Life on land

UKÄ Subject classification

Environmental Sciences and Nature Conservation

Publication identifier

  • DOI:

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