Vidakovic, Aleksandar
- Department of Applied Animal Science and Welfare, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Report2019Open access
Bertilius, Kristin; Vidakovic, Aleksandar
The eutrophication of the Baltic Sea is an issue that concerns all the countries surrounding the brackish water sea. Through HELCOM (Helsinki convention) all countries agreed to take action on national level. However there is also a need for transnational cooperation and coordination of efforts and measures. The Baltic Sea Regional Programme has enabled cooperation for the use of blue biomass and sustainable economic growth.
The Baltic Blue Growth project has a broad approach towards the measure of large scale mussel farming in the Baltic Sea, investigating issues of negative environmental effects, possible hazardous substances, payment schemes, spatial planning, and use for the mussels.
This report presents the issue of investigating whether mussels could be a safe ingredient in fish and poultry feed possibly creating a nutrient loop in the Baltic. The result indicates that farmed mussels does contain non‐detectable or beneath regulation limits of any substance. Furthermore it is shown that the substances do not accumulate in the food chain.
The development of feed and feed trials has been conducted in cooperation with the associated project partner and feed producer Swedish Agro. They conclude that the use of mussel meal as an ingredient in feed is interesting if some issues are addressed in the future, such as bulk access, price and guaranteed levels and control of hazardous substances.
baltic sea; chicken trials; mussels; food chain
Publisher: Baltic Blue Growth Project
Fish and Aquacultural Science
Environmental Sciences and Nature Conservation