Manevska Tasevska, Gordana
- Department of Economics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Feindt, Peter H.; Soriano, Bárbara; Manevska Tasevska, Gordana; Zawalinska, Katarzyna
The resilience of critical systems has become a major concern to policy-makers in times of rapid social, technological, political and environmental change. However, the implications of the resilience concept for policy design are barely explored. This paper operationalizes a Resilience Assessment Tool (ResAT), based on a differentiated concept of resilience that distinguishes between robustness, adaptability and transformability. The ResAT is applied to assess how the national implementations of the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy in eleven member states affect the resilience of farming systems. The analysis proves the resilience concept’s usefulness as integrative perspective for policy assessment. While most cases displayed a robustness-cum-adaptability orientation, some policy mixes were either adaptability-oriented or resilience-constraining. Support for transformability was generally underdeveloped. Details in policy design had large resilience effects. The findings suggest that resilience-enabling policies generally provide access to resources under more or less wellspecified conditions that determine which resilience capabilities are encouraged.
sustainability; altenative farming; Europenean Union; farming systems
Publisher: SURE-Farm
Agricultural Science
Deliverable D4.4, Horizon 2020, SURE-Farm Project, Grant Agreement No. 727520.