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Research article2020Peer reviewedOpen access

Effects of Additive Type on Fermentation and Aerobic Stability and Its Interaction with Air Exposure on Silage Nutritive Value

Auerbach, Horst; Nadeau, Elisabet


As farm profitability and sustainability of animal production are largely affected by overall losses of dry matter and nutritive value of silage from field to trough, the objective of the study was to assess the effects of different additive types on fermentation, aerobic stability (ASTA) and changes in in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD) and metabolisable energy (ME) of grass and grass-clover silage exposed to air. Three trials were performed, where grass and grass-clover forages were treated with biological and chemical additives and ensiled in 1.6-L glass jars. Upon silo opening, fermentation characteristics, yeast counts and ASTA were determined as well as changes in IVOMD and ME during subsequent air exposure for up to 336 h. All silages were well preserved. The ASTA was improved byLactobacillus buchneri-containing additives in all trials and by chemical additives in trial 3. In untreated silage, aeration reduced IVOMD and ME but variable effects of additives were observed. The nutritive value was maintained throughout aeration by all additives in trial 1, whereas in trial 3, only chemical additives were successful. A strong negative linear relationship across trials was detected between the extent of aerobic deterioration and changes in ME during air exposure (r = -0.756,p< 0.001). Silage additives improving aerobic stability have the potential to prevent the loss of nutritive value of grass and grass-clover silage during feed-out.


aerobic deterioration; digestibility; fermentation characteristics; grass silage; nutritive value; silage additives; yeasts

Published in

2020, Volume: 10, number: 9, article number: 1229
Publisher: MDPI

    Sustainable Development Goals

    SDG12 Responsible consumption and production

    UKÄ Subject classification

    Agricultural Science

    Publication identifier


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