Rommel, Jens
- Department of Economics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Dessart, FJ; Rommel, Jens; Barreiro‐Hurlé, Jesus; Thomas, F; Rodriguez-Entrena, M; Espinosa-Goded, M; Zagorska, Katarzyna; Czajkowski, M; van Bavel, R
This behavioural experiment with farmers assessed the effect of two policy features of the new green architecture of the EU common agricultural policy on the adoption of environmentally friendly practices: (1) increasing mandatory adoption and (2) shifting budget to voluntary schemes. Results shed light on behavioural patterns, highlighting potential trade-offs between mandatory and voluntary schemes to increase agriculture’s environmental and climate performance.
EUR (Luxembourg)
2021, number: 30706 EN
Publisher: Publications Office of the European Union
SDG13 Climate action
SDG15 Life on land
Applied Psychology