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Report1976Open access

Virkesdrivning inom Kramfors-delen av SCA 1911-1965

Embertsén, Sven


The investigation deals with logging and transport in the present Swedish forest company "Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget (Swedish Cellulose Co, SCA)" during the period of 1911-1965. The main part of the forests investigated is located in the valley of the river Ångermanälven. A description of logging conditions and of the changes in forest production and techniques is given. During the period, the development of the pulp industry greatly changed the composition of the harvested timber. The forest labour in harvesting changed from being mainly farmers working in the forest in winter only to specialized forest workers working in the forest the year round. Methods and tools in logging as well as the long distance transports also changed considerably. At the beginning of the period, most of the work was manual. At the end of the period, machines were introduced for the heaviest parts of the forest work. Logging and transport costs increased during the period of investigation. This may be explained by changes in the book-keeping system, the type of wood produced, the properties of harvested stands and fluctuations of the value of money etc. An analysis of the influence of these various factors on the costs is presented.


logging; transport; SCA; forest production; techniques; pulp industry

Published in

Studia Forestalia Suecica
1976, ISBN: 91-38-03105-1
Publisher: Skogshögskolan

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