Report1976Open access
The influence of the environment close to a snow fence on the survival and growth of pine seedlings (Pinus silvestris L.)
Hagner, Mats
The natural regeneration of pine along a snow fence (3 m high) on a clear cut (1956) area on a dry site at a high altitude far north (lat. 66"44' alt. 320 m) was studied. The density of the regeneration was ten times higher close (0-40 cm) to the fence than in the open clear cut area. The positive effect from the fence was present only up to a distance of 1.5 m. The seedlings close to the fence were 50-100 % taller than those in the open and the wounds from Dasyscypha, which were found on 48 % of the seedlings in the open area, could hardly (2 %) be detected among those along the fence. The height of the seedlings reflected a close correlation with the depth of the mow, while the density of the seedling stand did not correlate as well, although significantly. The positive effect of snow fences as well as the micro-environment at large should be worth studying because it is obvious that great gains in regeneration results could be obtained by arrangement of suitable environments. There is reason to question the common technique for cleaning the clear cut areas, for treatment with herbicides and for thinnings in sown and planted seedling stands.
snow fence; Pinus silvestris L.; regeneration; seedlings; preparatory work; wind
Published in
Studia Forestalia Suecica
Publisher: Skogshögskolan
Publication identifier
- ISBN: 91-38-02812-3
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