Report1988Open access
Wood quality and volume production in four 24-year-old provenance trials with Pinus contorta
Ståhl, Erik G.; Persson, Anders
The objectives of this study are to describe how yield and quality of Pinus contorta vary with locality and provenance in Sweden. The differences between Pinus contorta and Pinus sylvestris are also described. The material comprises four trials in a provenance series assessed at an age of 24 years. Assessments were made of height, diameter, different branch traits, stem straightness, number of spike knots, basic density and fibre properties. A comparison was made of Pinus sylvestris with similar dimensions. Based on sectional measurements of felled trees, volume production was estimated for lodgepole pine. There were large differences in volume production, stem form and quality among the four trials. To achieve a high volume production, site and soil evaluation and treatment are important. There were large and significant differences among provenances for most traits evaluated. The best provenances were of a more southern origin at the southern trials, Remningstorp and Bogesund, when compared to the northern trial, Lövsåsen. In comparison with P. sylvestris at the same dimensions a correct P. contorta source has thinner branches and a lower number of branches while fibre length is increased. Lodgepole pine could in some areas of southern and central Sweden produce more than Scots pine and possibly with an improvement in wood quality.
provenance; variation; quality; volume production; site; Lodgepole pine; Scots pine
Published in
Studia Forestalia Suecica
Publisher: Faculty of Forestry, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Publication identifier
- ISBN: 91-576-3352-5
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