Report1986Open access
Long-term impact of lime on the humus form in a beech stand on sandy till
Olsson, Mats T.
The study aims at describing long-term changes taking place In the humus form after liming. 4000 kg Ca per ha was applied to a stand of Fagus silvatica on sandy till in south Sweden in 1955. The humus form and the sod profile were studied 30 years later as regards macro- and micromorpological properties. CEC. base saturation. pH. organic carbon. nitrogen. phosphorus and potassium. Stand revision was carried out. The results show that the humus form had changed from mull-like moder to mull. This had been followed by a redistribution of nutrients. with decreased concentrations of nitrogen. phosphorus and potassium In the top soil. pH and base saturation had increased. Despite the change of humus form. the stand growth was not affected by liming.
Mull; mull-like moder; lime; soil micromorphology; soil biology
Published in
Studia Forestalia Suecica
Publisher: Faculty of Forestry, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Publication identifier
- ISBN: 91-576-2708-8
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