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Transport and transformations of nitrogen in an arable soil

Bergström, Lars


This issue of "Ekohydrologi" consist of a Doctoral dissertation at the Department of Soil Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. The thesis, "Transport and transformations of nitrogen in an arable soil", consist of a summary and the following five papers: 1. Bergström, L. 1986. Distribution and temporal changes of mineral nitrogen in soils supporting annual perennial crops. Swedish J. Agric. Reg. 16, 105-112 2. Bergström, L. 1987. Nitrate leaching and drainage from annual and perennial crops in tile-drained plots and lysimeters. J. Environ. Qual. 16, 11-18 3. Bergström, L. 1987. Leaching of 15-N-labeled nitrate fertilizer applied to barley and a grass ley. Acta Agric. Scand. 4. Johnsson, H., Bergström, L., Jansson, P.-E. & Paustian, K. 1987. Simulated nitrogen dynamics and losses in a layered agricultural soil. Agric. Ecosystems Environ. 5. Bergström, L. & Johnsson, H. Simulated nitrogen dynamics and nitrate leaching in a perennial grass ley (submitted to Plant Soil).


nitrogen; transport; kväve; växtnäringstransport; växtnäringsläckage

Published in

Publisher: Avdelningen för vattenvårdslära, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

Publication identifier

  • ISBN: 91-576-3025-9

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