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Report2003Open access

Fältförsök med koppargödsling

Carlgren, Käll


Facts about Cu in plant and soil are briefly reviewed and results from already compiled Cu field trials performed during 1963-1984 and earlier were surveyed. The present field experiments were mainly situated on light mineral soils with moderate contents of organic matter. Spring barley or oats were the main crops. Copper was applied to soil as copper sulphate (CUSO4) separately or together with PK-fertilizers before sowing, or by foliar application. Totally 18 experimental treatments in three series were in the compilation reduced to five "Cu-intervals", ordinarily fertilized with nitrogen and phosphorus/potassium. It was stated that a fairly large application (12 kg ha-1 Cu) was needed to receive a significant Cu fertilization effect. Influences of variations in soil organic matter content, content of easily soluble copper, potassium or phosphorus in soil, or of soil pH on Cu fertilization effects were examined. Minor content of soil copper, high soil pH or high soil PK status generally tended to increase Cu fertilization effects. The greater Cu-effects on soils of high nutritional status could be explained by a heavier use of NFK fertilizers after World War II, consequently causing large withdrawals of grain yields and soil copper.


Kopparsulfat; Bladgödsling

Published in

Rapport / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för markvetenskap, Avd. för växtnäringslära
Publisher: Inst. för markvetenskap, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

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