Report1997Open access
Field-crop ecosystems, trends and models to improve management of resources in Mocambique's agricultural production systems
Vaz, Kemal
This report consists of two general parts. The first part describes the problematic situation in the analysis of agricultural production systems, with a retrospective into historical phases in agriculture production and a prospective of what can constitute a new paradigm when looking at systems. In order to improve management of resources in agriculture production methodologies are proposed and briefly discussed. In the second part, using data from a National Survey from 1994, done by the Ministry of Agriculture, an analysis of the rural families in Mocambique in terms of crop production is made. Different criteria to choose technological systems is discussed and options proposed. Finally, a model to describe farmer's behavior is proposed, which facilitates a better understanding as well as provide an interesting tool in order to improve farm production in this semi-subsistence sector of agriculture.
Published in
Rapport - Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för lantbruksteknik
1997, Publisher: Institutionen för lantbruksteknik, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
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