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Review article2024Peer reviewedOpen access

Digitalization in the Renewable Energy Sector

El Zein, Musadag; Gebresenbet, Girma


This study explored the association between renewable energy uptake and digitalization in the sector by reviewing relevant literature (published 2010-2022), with the aim of identifying the existing utilization of digital technologies within the sector, challenges to adoption, and future prospects. Different search engines (SCOPUS, Web of Science, and Google Scholar) were used to locate relevant papers and documents. The results revealed the high significance of digital technologies in supporting the renewable energy sector, with high costs and security risks representing the key challenges. Most papers reviewed had a positive outlook, but recommended further research and development for effective energy transition and resilient infrastructure. The current drivers of the integration of digital technologies to support the diffusion of renewable energy sources appear to extend beyond energy demand and involve many aspects of sustainability and sustainable development. Compared with previous reviews, this work has unique scope and novelty since it considers the bigger picture of the coupling between digitalization and the renewable energy sector, with a greater focus on critical areas in these two interconnected bodies that need to be addressed. The relatively small sample of relevant papers (69 from 836 hits) located in the literature review confirms the need for more research covering the subject in greater depth.


blockchain; digital technologies; renewable energy; security; sustainability

Published in

2024, Volume: 17, number: 9, article number: 1985
Publisher: MDPI