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Research article2007Peer reviewed

Evaluation of slow rusting resistance components to leaf rust in CIMMYT durum wheats

Herrera-Foessel SA, Singh RP, Huerta-Espino J, Crossa J, Djurle A, Yuen J


Information about slow rusting resistance to leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum var. durum) is limited. Three slow rusting components, latent period, receptivity, and uredinium size, were determined at the adult plant stage for seven durums with slow rusting resistance to leaf rust and two susceptible durums in three greenhouse experiments. Additionally, area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) and final disease severity (FDS) were determined in three field trials under artificial epidemics with the same P. triticina race BBG/BN. Compared to the most susceptible check, the AUDPC and FDS of slow rusting resistant durums were significantly lower and ranged from 13-47 to 22-59%, respectively. The latent period was significantly longer (8.5-10.3 days) and uredinium size significantly smaller (8.1-14.8 x 10(-2) mm(2)) on slow rusting durums than on the susceptible checks (8.0 days and 17.3-23.8 x10(-2) mm(2), respectively). Uredinium size was the most stable slow rusting component across experiments. Correlations between uredinium size versus AUDPC and uredinium size versus FDS for each environment were high (r = 0.86-0.88). Correlations between latent period and field parameters were significant (r = -0.60 to -0.80). Correlations between receptivity and the field parameters were not significant. A multiple regression analysis showed that the variation in AUDPC and FDS was significantly explained only by uredinium size (P < 0.0001). The best slow rusting resistant lines can be used for developing high-yielding durums with more durable resistance to leaf rust

Published in

2007, volume: 155, number: 3, pages: 361-369
Publisher: SPRINGER

SLU Authors

UKÄ Subject classification

Agricultural Science

Publication identifier

  • DOI:

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