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Conference paper2007

Liming as a method to improve natural regeneration of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) on acid soils in southern Sweden

Övergaard, Rolf


Acidification is many times a reason to changes in ecosystems and reduction of biodiversity. In Europe the atmospheric deposition of sulphur has caused a decreased pH value in the soils. In the beech distribution area of southern Sweden this has in many areas resulted in a pH level of about 4.0 – 4.4. This is in many ways an obstruct for natural regeneration of beech. A thick layer of raw humus, podzol soils and low production characterizes these sites. In winter 1991-1992 5 tons of grind limestone ha-1 was spread at 12 sites in southern Sweden, supposed to be regenerated 10-20 years later. After mast years, though no scarification or shelter cutting had been done, the number of germinated seedlings was recorded. An increase in number of seedlings and amount of earthworms has been noted on the limed areas

Published in

Title: Proceedings of the IUFRO Conference on Forest Landscape Restoration


IUFRO Conference on Forest Landscape Restoration

    UKÄ Subject classification

    Forest Science

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