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Research article2007Peer reviewed

Vaccination of horses against strangles using recombinant antigens from Streptococcus equi

Waller A, Flock M, Smith K, Robinson C, Mitchell Z, Karlstrom A, Lannergard J, Bergman R, Guss B, Flock JI


Strangles is an upper respiratory tract infection in horses, which is highly contagious and one of the more costly diseases of the horse. Three recombinant antigens were used to vaccinate horses, which were then experimentally challenged with Streptococcus equi, the causative agent for strangles. The vaccinated horses showed significantly reduced bacterial growth (p = 0.02) and nasal discharge (p = 0.0004), a typical symptom of strangles. Other clinical signs of strangles were also reduced and at post mortem examination, lower rate of empyaema or scarring of the guttural pouches was found in the vaccinated group (p = 0.01). The antigens used were EAG (alpha 2-macroglobulin, albumin, and IgG-binding protein), CNE (a collagen-binding protein), and ScIC (a collagen-like protein). The adjuvant used was Abisco, a saponin derived matrix. No adverse effects were observed following vaccination with the antigens and adjuvant. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

Published in

2007, Volume: 25, number: 18, pages: 3629-3635 Publisher: ELSEVIER SCI LTD