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Forskningsartikel2006Vetenskapligt granskad

Fish and wildlife in the Swedish mountain area-resources, use and management. International Journal of Biodiversity and Management

Eriksson, Torleif; Anderrson, J; Byström, Pär; Hörnell, Willebrand Maria; Laitila, T; Sandström, C; Willebrand, Tomas


Hunting and fishing are an important part of life for many Swedes. The importance of fish and wildlife is even greater in the northern part of Sweden and especially in the Swedish mountain area, which covers a large geographical area but is sparsely populated. The biological systems in the mountain ecosystems can be characterised as arctic with low productivity and biodiversity. This article addresses two important species typical for this region (willow grouse and Arctic char), provides an up-to-date characterisation of current use and management, and presents a range of management models that frame the mechanisms of population dynamics of fish and game. It is concluded that lack of knowledge of population responses of fish and game in the mountain region to different harvesting options and management strategies is a practical obstacle, as is knowledge and understanding of the costs and benefits associated with different ecological management strategies. However, it is also crucial to integrate other disciplines with ecology for successful management

Publicerad i

Journal of Biodiversity and Management
2006, nummer: 2:, sidor: 334-342

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Miljö- och naturvårdsvetenskap
Fisk- och akvakulturforskning

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