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Conference paper2007Peer reviewed

Stability and instability in autonomous systems

Liljenström, Hans


Behaving systems, biological as well as artificial, need to respond quickly and accurately to changes in the environment. The response is depend-ent on stored memories, and novel situations should be learnt for the guidance of future behavior. A highly nonlinear system dynamics is required in order to cope with a complex and changing environment, and this dynamics should be regulated to match the demands of the current situation, and to predict future behavior. If any of these regulatory systems fail, the balance beween order and disorder can be shifted, resulting in an inappropriate and unpredictable behav-iour. I discuss how such “mental disorders” might be related to the structure and dynamics of any autonomous cognitive system


Efficiency; stability-flexibility dilemma; information processing; complex neurodynamics; cognitive disorders; robots

Published in

Title: Proceedings of ICCN'07

Publisher: Springer


1st International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics 2007