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Conference paper2008

Tejados verdes: resultados más importantes de las investigaciones realizadas en el Jardín Botánico en tejados de Augustenborg (Suecia), y posible aplicación de los mismos en la región mediterránea

Fernández-Cañero Rafael, Emilsson Tobias


The green roofs, also known in Spain as ecological roofs, have for years a prominent role in the urban development in many cities on the planet, and it is an important business sector that each year mobilizes more resources. In the Swedish city of Malmö is located an important centre for research on green roofs as part of the first botanical garden rooftops in the world, the Botanical Garden Augustenborg. This centre is studying various techniques for the establishment of green roofs, as well as the plants most suitable for each situation. In this communication we make an initial introduction of the types and features of green roofs, exposing the benefits of using this technology. The following highlights the results of investigations carried out in Sweden, related to papers published in other countries. We put a particular emphasis on the type of substrate, the way of establishment and the most important species. Finally, it describes the possible singularities that its use involves in regions with temperate climates such as the Mediterranean region where this technology has enormous potential barely developed

SLU Authors

UKÄ Subject classification

Landscape Architecture
Environmental Sciences and Nature Conservation

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