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Conference abstract2008Peer reviewed

Insurance claim data as basis for molecular gnenetic studies in Dogs

Hedhammar, Åke; Egenvall, Agneta; Fall, Tove; Hamlin, Helene; Häggström, Jens; von, Euler Henrik; Sallander, Marie; Andersson, Göran; Bonnett, Brenda


INSURANCE CLAIM DATA AS BASIS FOR MOLECULAR GENETIC STUDIES IN DOGS Å. Hedhammar1, A. Egenvall1, T. Fall1, H. Hansson Hamlin1, Häggström, J 1 , H. von Euler1, M. Sallander1, G. Andersson2, B. Bonnett3 1Department of Clinical Sciences and 2Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), SE-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden, 3Department of Population Medicine, University of Guelph, Canada. Insurance claim data made available for research are supporting design and performance of molecular genetic studies on canine diseases. The database of Agria Animal Insurance, Sweden, includes approximately 1/3 of the Swedish dog population with extensive coverage for life and veterinary care. It has served as source population for publications on general and cause-specific morbidity and mortality e.g. risk factors for complex diseases. Although secondary to its use for the claim process, it has been proven to provide valid population-based estimates of breed-, age- and gender-specific rates of disease. Estimates from previous studies have been used to target high and low risk breeds for several diseases and for choice of suitable breed populations, for informing calculation of sample sizes and indicating ages most appropriate for inclusion of control dogs. Breed, age and gender differences for certain diagnoses have also indicated the need for sub-classification of complex diseases e.g. Diabetes Mellitus. In addition to defining optimal breed, gender and age distributions for populations already chosen for ongoing molecular genetic studies on Atopic Dermatitis, Cardiomyopathies, Diabetes Mellitus, Lymphocytic Thyroiditis, Mitral Valve Disease and Mammary tumours within the scope of LUPA - an European effort to unravel the molecular basis for complex diseases by usage of canine models, insurance claim data will also support the choice of breeds for studies on Epilepsy and Exocrine Pancreatic Atrophy. Access to the insurance database has also facilitated contact with owners of suitable dogs for case-control studies on molecular genetics and environmental and other risk factors. Within the scope of LUPA, demographic and disease data from the insurance database will be combined with survey data on environmental data as nutrition, exercise and other potential risk factors for e.g. Atopic Dermatitis, Diabetes, Mammary tumours and Lymphocytic Thyroiditis and analysed together with genomic data on the same Dogs

SLU Authors

UKÄ Subject classification

Animal and Dairy Science
Veterinary Science

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