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LENNE Tempus Curriculum Development Project: Teaching Package in Subject Area Vegetation and Plant Material

Gustavsson, Eva; Bennis, Ed; Djukic, Matilda; Grbic, Mihailo; Orlovic, Sasa


The report is the result from one, out of of nine, working groups in a three year European Tempus project. The aim of the project has been to lay the ground for a new master programme in landscape architecture at the Serbian universities in Novi Sad and Belgrade. The project has been carried out as a cooperation between eight European countries and the intention has been that the result also should be used as resourse for renewal of relevant subject areas in the participating countries. With the threatening changes of our environmental health conditions, and the unmistakable tendency to acknowledge the inseparable linkage between ecological, financial and social values, every contribution to improve sustainability and a well-advised use of resources will become increasingly important. Among the manifold of natural processes, which can be directed towards a more sustainable approach, environmental design with plants and plant communities can be regarded as key issue. Accordingly the focus of this teaching package is directed towards issues of sustainable plantig design


Plants; planting design; sustainability; landscape design; landscape management; horticultural management; garden; park

Published in

Tempus Project No CD_JEP_19106_2004
Publisher: LENNE TEMPUS Joint European Curriculum Development Project: Master of Landscape Architecture

    UKÄ Subject classification

    Environmental Sciences related to Agriculture and Land-use
    Landscape Architecture

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