Sarve, Hamid
- Centre for Image Analysis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Conference paper2008
Sarvé, Hamid; Lindblad, Joakim; Johansson, Carina
To provide better insight in bone modeling andremodeling around implants, information is ex-tracted using different imaging techniques. Twotypes of data used in this project are 2D histologi-cal images and 3D SRuCT (synchrotron radiation-based computed microtomography) volumes. In thecase of the volumes, manual annotation is verytime consuming and difficult. To work around thisproblem is to register the volume with the 2D his-tological images, for which a ground truth is easierto create.In this paper, we present a 2D/3D intermodal reg-istration method for the mentioned purpose. Themethod compares the correspondence between anextracted 2D-slice from the volume and the histo-logical image using mutual information. The sliceis found using simulated annealing and matched tothe histological image using chamfer matching
Swedish Symposium on Image Analysis