Hedlund, Anders
- Department of Urban and Rural Development, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Conference paper2006
Hedlund, Anders; Johansson, Veronica
One of the Swedish EIA characteristics is the extensive use of EIA. Another feature is the proponents’ responsibility for the EIA process. The influence of authorities in the process is limited. No evaluations have been made of neither the quality of EISs nor the EIA-process in Sweden since the Council Directive on environmental impact assessment 85/337 was implemented in Swedish legislation in the 1990’s. However, several studies (the Swedish National Audit Office 1996, the Board of Housing and Planning 2003, Emmelin & Lerman 2004) have indicated that there might be some problems with the quality of EIS and the efficiency of the EIA-process in Sweden. In order to investigate these possible problems a web-questionnaire was distributed by the Swedish EIA Centre in December 2005. 17 interviews with representatives of the EIA-actors were also conducted. The focus of the questionnaire and the interviews was to investigate how proponents, consultants, decision-makers, reviewers and researchers consider the aim, function, quality and effective use of EIA. The questionnaire covered five areas i.e. aim, function, quality, actor relations and the respondent’s role and experience of EIA. It was sent to approximately 1500 persons and 342 answers were received
26th Annual conference International Association for Impact Assessment: Power, poverty and sustainability the role of impact assessment
Social Sciences
Environmental Sciences related to Agriculture and Land-use
Economics and Business