Konferensartikel2008Vetenskapligt granskad
Our threatened biodiversity: Implementing the UN Convention on Biodiversity in Swedish regional planning
Dovlén, Sylvia; Khakee, Abdul
One of the biggest challenges facing planning evaluation is the integration of ecological variables in socio-economic evaluation. Both quantitative and qualitative studies in this area meet with conceptual, methodological and epistemological problems. Recent attempts to evaluate environmental justice and cities’ ecological footprints provide promising results but the major issue of integrated evaluation approach is in need of further research. This paper hopefully represents one attempt in this research. The paper evaluates the implementation of the UN Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) in Swedish regional development planning. The evaluation is a three stage process involving the interpretations of CBD at the European Union level followed by the Swedish Government which has developed Environmental Quality Objectives. The objectives are expected to be integrated in regional development planning. The paper focuses on the successive interpretation of CBD and its implications for Swedish regional development planning
7th International Workshop: Evaluation in Planning
UKÄ forskningsämne
Miljö- och naturvårdsvetenskap
Ekonomi och näringsliv
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