Brukas, Vilis
- Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Research article1999Peer reviewedOpen access
Brukas, V; Brodie, JD
Stand treatment prescriptions in Lithuania are based on silvicultural traditions and biometric models, whereas the application of economic models is still in its infancy. The forest yield model of Kuliesis, pine assortment tables, observed timber prices, and costs of silvicultural treatments constitute sufficient information for optimizing silvicultural regimes in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) stands, using economic criteria, namely, forest rent, net present value, and soil expectation value. The dynamic programming approach enables simultaneous optimization of intermediate and final felling throughout the rotation. Results obtained confirm that rotation ages differ according to site productivity. Optimal rotations range from 80 years in the most productive stands to over 130 years on the poorest sites, when the forest rent criterion is selected. The choice of thinning regimes is less obvious due to high sensitivity to timber prices, interest rates, and other factors
silvicultural regimes; economic criteria; dynamic programming
Baltic Forestry
1999, volume: 5, number: 1, pages: 28-34
Forest Science