Sapkota, Indra
- Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Research article2009Peer reviewed
Sapkota, Indra Prasad; Tigabu, Mulualem; Oden, Per Christer
We investigated the spatial distribution, advanced regeneration and stand structure of five Shorea robusta-dominated forests in 25 1-ha plots subject to disturbances of different intensities. We aim to elucidate the relationships of advanced regeneration and spatial patterns of the tree species with degree of disturbance magnitude. Sixty-seven tree species were recorded in the forest plots; 41 species were found in the least disturbed forests, while only 10 species were found in the heavily disturbed forests. We found 5320 trees with >1.5 cm diameter at breast height, in total, and found that moderately disturbed forests contained the highest advanced regeneration (sapling)/pole densities. No significant differences were observed in stem basal area among forests. The overall stand density changed quadratically across the disturbance gradient. A strong inverse relationship was found between the overall stand density and diameter class in the least disturbed and moderately disturbed forests. Ten species showed variation in their dispersion patterns across the disturbance gradient. Most of the socio-economically important tree species analyzed showed little or no regeneration in the least and most heavily disturbed forests. Individual species showed different responses to disturbance ranging from 'tolerant' (Shorea robusta, Lagerstroemia parviflora and Symplocos spp.) to 'sensitive' (Trewia nudiflora, Adina cardifolia and Terminalia alata). We concluded that moderate disturbance intensity not only ensures high stand density, but also enhances the advanced regeneration of socio-economically important tree species and affects their dispersion patterns. Future management strategy must balance the consumptive needs of the local community with those of species conservation by allowing regulated access to the forests. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nepal; Spatial distribution; Disturbance ecology; Sal forests; Morisita index
Forest Ecology and Management
2009, volume: 257, number: 9, pages: 1966-1975
Publisher: Elsevier
Forest Science