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Research article2004Peer reviewed

Structure of the hydrated and dimethyl sulfoxide solvated rubidium ions in solution

D'Angelo P, Persson I


The structure of the hydrated and the dimethyl sulfoxide solvated rubidium ions in solution has been determined by means of large-angle X-ray scattering (LAXS) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) studies. The models of the hydrated and dimethyl sulfoxide solvated rubidium ions fitting the experimental data best are square antiprisms with Rb-O bond distances of 2.98(2) and 2.98(3) Angstrom, respectively. The EXAFS data show a significant asymmetry in the Rb-O bond distance distribution with C-3 values of 0.0076 and 0.015 Angstrom(3), respectively. No second hydration sphere is observed around the hydrated rubidium ion. The dimethyl sulfoxide solvated rubidium ion displays a Rb-O-S bond angle of ca. 130degrees, which is typical for a medium hard electron acceptor such as rubidium

Published in

Inorganic Chemistry
2004, Volume: 43, number: 11, pages: 3543-3549 Publisher: AMER CHEMICAL SOC