Lindström, Jan
- Department of Soil Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Report2002Open access
Lindström, Jan; Linnér, Harry; Arvidsson, Johan
This report contains the results of a series of field trials carried out on two sites, Ulfhäll and Fiholmsby in Södermanland, during the period 1998-2000. The aim of the trials was to evaluate the effects of mole drainage as a complement to tile drainage in combination with liming and variation in sowing date. The trial layout induded the following treatments and sowing dates: A = Control B = Mole drainage C = Piped mole drainage 1 = Conventional seedbed preparation with normal sowing date 2 = Conventional seedbed preparation with early sowing 3 = Sowing without harrowing and as early as possible a = Control b = Liming In the mole drainage treatments, the distance between drains was 3.0 m and the drains were installed at 0.5 m depth. Treatment b was limed with quicklime (CaO) 6 tons/ha. The plots were ploughed and levelled out in the autumn. Sowing treatments 1 and 2 were harrowed before sowing, while sowing treatment 3 was direct-drilled as early as possible. Yield and quality determinations, seedbed inspections, groundwater level and infiltration measurements and soil physical investigations in the laboratory were carried out for all plots. The soil at the Ulfhäll and Fiholmsby sites is a heavy to very heavy clay, and the soil at both sites contains some gyttja. At Ulfhäll, the hydraulic conductivity was very low in the topsoil and high in the subsoil, while at Fiholmsby, the conductivity was high throughout the profile to 80 cm depth. At both sites, the conductivity in the central topsoil of the limed plots increased to twice that in the control treatment. The yield results varied due to extreme variations in weather during the three-year experimental period. 1998 was an extremely wet year, while 1999 the precipitation was normal during the growing season. In 2000, there was a dry spring followed by a cool and rainy summer. The mild, wet winter and spring of 1997-1998 meant that the groundwater level in the soil was very high. The mole drains were water-filled for a time, causing some of them to collapse on both sites. The yield results from the trials showed that there were small and non-significant yield differences between treatments except for the first sowing without spring tillage treatment. In that treatment, the yield of grain was on average 10% lower for a total of 5 harvest years. A pea crop showed yield increases of 8 and 5 % for sowing treatments 2 and 3 respectively. The effect of mole drainage was better on Fiholmsby than Ulfhäll. There was an average yield increase of 6% for mole drainage on the Fiholmsby site. Liming produced grain yield increases of 2 and 5% on Ulfhäll and Fiholmsby respectively, while it decreased pea yields overall by 8%. The results of the investigation showed that mole drainage are not suitable on soils where the groundwater in the soil profile can rise to a high level. The mole drains can collapse and one must do the mole drainage over again. One way to avoid the mole drains to collapse are to put drain-pipe inside them. The results of different sowing dates showed that the early sowing date with conventional seedbed preparation increased the yield of grain while the extra early sowing date decreased the yield
tubulering; dräneringsrör; avkastning; strukturkalkning
Avdelningsmeddelande / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för markvetenskap, Avdelningen för lantbrukets hydroteknik
2002, number: 02:6
Publisher: Institutionen för markvetenskap, Avdelningen för lantbrukets hydroteknik, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Agricultural Science
Fish and Aquacultural Science