Andersson, Joakim
- Department of Soil Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Report2002Open access
Andersson, Joakim
In this study, different techniques are used to evaluate sustainable land use in Hop Son hamlet in Bavi district, Hatay Province, Northern Vietnam. First, five cultivation systems including cassava (Manihot esculenta), white mulberry (Morus alba) and Flemingia macrophylla were characterized and their effect on soil properties in a field trial at the Goat and Rabbit Research Centre (GRRC) were evaluated. Secondly, field observations were performed and soil profile descriptions were made in Hop Son hamlet in order to understand soil properties and the present land use in the area. Moreover, the plants, water erosion modeling and land evaluation were considered in a literature survey. Finally, soil loss simulations were performed with the GLEAMS model and a characterization of the topography in Hop Son area was visualized with GIS software. No significant differences could be found in soil properties between the cultivation systems. The chemical status of the soil and the wet stability of soil aggregates seemed to be similar in all the cultivation systems, with a tendency for higher total nitrogen content in soil with pure stands of F. macrophylla and stronger wet soil aggregate stability in the monocropped systems with F. macrophylla and white mulberry. Observations of root penetration through the soil profiles indicated that F. macrophylla and white mulberry produce more roots that are more widely distributed than those of cassava. Hop Son hamlet was in a hilly and mountainous landscape prone to erosion and the soil was mainly classified as an Acrisol, partly with high levels of aluminum saturation. Wet soil aggregate stability differed considerably between different land uses in the hamlet. Cassava is regularly cultivated within the village and is the most important crop, together with rice. F. macrophylla was introduced to the village during 2001 and some rows of plants have been established in the fields, whereas only one or two plants of white mulberry are grown in home gardens. There is no immediate interest in establishing white mulberry on a larger scale. The GLEAMS model simulated large soil losses from cassava cultivations. These showed pronounced soil loss differences from F. macrophylla cultivations and forest. F. macrophylla cultivations showed higher soil losses than forest. Intense rains proved to be several times more severe regarding soil loss than ordinary precipitation. Sloping characteristics of the area were visualized based on a digital elevation map and land evaluation was estimated on the basis of tolerable soil losses due to cultivation systems and steepness of slopes
Cassava; Vietnam; GLEAMS; sustainable land use; erosion
Avdelningsmeddelande / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för markvetenskap, Avdelningen för lantbrukets hydroteknik
2002, number: 02:3
Publisher: Institutionen för markvetenskap, avdelningen för lantbrukets hydroteknik
Environmental Sciences related to Agriculture and Land-use
Agricultural Science