Båth, Anders
- Department of Soil Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Report1993Open access
Båth, Anders
* Results from measurements of root development, soil water content, soil temperature, and air permeability in field experiments with soil mulching are summarized. The experiments were carried out between 1989 and 1991 at 3 sites in Västmanland (Nibble, Norrbäck and Ålbo). * Soil mulching had no unambiguous effect on root development during the first two years. Negative results were obtained at Ålbo the first year while there were positive results the second year. At the two other sites no effects at all were obtained on root development. The third year, during the spring, a thin crust had developed. During this period soil mulching had a positive effect on root development at all sites. Positive results meaning better root development. * Temperature measurements clearly showed the moderating effect on temperature changes that soil mulching caused. This might have affected the germination negatively. * Measurement of air permeability showed that soil mulching gave rise to a lower permeability, probably because the soil water content increased where soil mulching was used. * During the three years, higher soil water contents were obtained in treatments with soil mulching. Early in the season soil mulched treatments contained about 16 mm more water in the topsoil compared to untreated. Soil water content, later in the season, varied from one year to another
rotstudier; luftgenomsläpplighet; vattenhalt; temperatur; marktäckning; markvatten
Avdelningsmeddelande / Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för markvetenskap, Avdelningen för lantbrukets hydroteknik
1993, number: 93:7Publisher: Institutionen för markvetenskap, avdelningen för lantbrukets hydroteknik
Agricultural Science
Fish and Aquacultural Science