Bergvall, Kerstin
- Department of Clinical Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Conference abstract2011Peer reviewedOpen access
Noli, C; Bergvall, Kerstin; Belova, S; Bensignoir, E; Ghobaudo, G; Linek, M; Lorente-Mendez, C; Ordeix, L; Galzerano, M
The aim of this randomized and blinded study was to evaluate the efficacy of an ear flushing solution containing chlorhexidine 0.15% and TrisEDTA as a sole treatment of canine ears with bacterial overgrowth (+/- Malassezia), or purulent otitis. After an ear flushing performed by the investigator, the subsequent flushings wrer performed daily at home. Clinical signs (pruritus/pain, erythema, oedema, quantity and odour of the discharge) were evaluated on day 0, 14 and 28, on a 0-4 point scale. Bacteria and neutrophil semiquantitative (0-4) counts on cytology were performed at each time point from each ear. Within-group comparison of the baseline characteristics (age, weight and clinical parameters) was performed using a Friedman analysis of variance (ANOVA). Between-group comparison of the reduction of clinical and cytological parameters was performed using the Paired-Samples Student´s t-test. P<0,05 was considered statistically significant. Forty-nine ears, 34 treated with the commercial solution and 25 with the vehicle, of 33 dogs were included into the study. There was no significant difference between groups for age, weight, clinical or cytological parameters at day 0. Improvement in the active ingredient group was always greater than the vehicle group. At day 14 and 28 in the active treatment group there was a significant improvement of all parameters, while in the vehicle group improvement of oedema and bacteria was not significant. In conclusion, this study suggests that the commercial solution was able to significantly reduce clinical signs and cytological parameters in bacterial otitis, when used daily for 14 to 28 days
Veterinary Dermatology
2011, volume: 22, number: 5, pages: 465-465
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
25th Annual Congress of ESVD-ECVD
Veterinary Science
Animal and Dairy Science