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Report2012Open access

Framtagning av optimala skördetidspunkten och ULO- lagringsbetingelser för några äppelsorter

Tahir, Ibrahim


Optimizing the physiological state of harvested fruit (cultivar-specific harvesting indices) and optimizing storage conditions (cultivar-specific CA and ULO storage procedures) were investigated in a set of four apple cultivars. Analyses of various fruit ripening parameters showed that starch hydrolysis point and Streif index (firmness/(starch hydrolysis point * soluble solid concentration)) were correlated with internal ethylene concentration (IEC) at harvest. Thus, the optimal harvesting time can be deduced from the starch index in two cultivars (Rubinola and Santana) while the Streif index is more accurate for the other two cultivars (Ingrid Marie and Karin Schneider). By contrast, firmness, soluble solids concentration and skin color are not useful due to their sensitivity to weather conditions and light intensity. Optimization of CA and ULO storage conditions maintained fruit quality and reduced amount of fungal decay. Storage of these four cultivars in a wide range of pCO2 achieved slight additional improvement in all cultivars except Ingrid Marie. ULO conditions (1.0 kPa O2 and 2.0 kPa CO2 ) can be recommended for Karin Schneider and Santana and ULO conditions (1.0 kPa O2 and 3.0 kPa CO2 ) can be recommended for Rubinola.


Äpple, skördetidspunkt, kvalitet

Published in

Landskap, trädgård, jordbruk : rapportserie
2012, number: 2012-24ISBN: 978-91-87117-23-7Publisher: Fakulteten för landskapsplanering, trädgårds- och jordbruksvetenskap, SLU