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Conference paper1998Peer reviewed

Assessment of Coarse Woody Debris : A comparison of probability sampling methods

Ståhl, Göran; Lämås, Tomas


Assessing the total length of CWD is cheaper than assessing the total volume of CWD. In case line intersect or transect relascope sampling is used, the length can be estimated by only counting the logs included in the sample. The usefulness of the total length of logs as an indicator of habitat conditions can, however, be questioned. Still, if logs are classified into different dimension classes, a description of this kind should not be too different from using the total volume of logs.

Published in

Forestry Sciences
1998, Volume: 51, number: 18, pages: 241-248 Title: Assessment of Biodiversity for Improved Forest Planning : Proceedings of the Conference on Assessment of Biodiversity for Improved Planning, 7–11 October 1996, held in Monte Verità, Switzerland
ISBN: 978-90-481-4962-9
Publisher: Springer Netherlands


Conference on Assessment of Biodiversity for Improved Planning

      SLU Authors

    • Ståhl, Göran

      • Department of Forest Resource Management and Geomatics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
      • Lämås, Tomas

        • Department of Forest Resource Management and Geomatics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

      UKÄ Subject classification

      Forest Science

      Publication identifier


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