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Conference paper2003

Interbull report for 2000 and 2001

Mocquot, J.C.; Emanuelson, U.; Philipsson, J.


The International Evaluation Services provided by the INTERBULL Centre continued to increase during the last two years, by expanding to udder health traits for six breeds, and to conformation traits for Jersey. Several technical improvements to the routine procedures have also been implemented, while cooperative research with members have prepared the same services to be expanded soon to conformation evaluation for Brown Swiss and Guernsey breeds; and most probably to longevity and calving traits in the near future. Various fields of priority research have been identified and worked on. The last, but not least, activity reported is information and communication with members. It was achieved not only by regular publications of proceedings of our open sessions and workshops, but also through web site forums. Elaboration and publication of new "Guidelines for National and International Genetic Evaluation Systems" have been a very important step towards the improvement of national data quality, which proved, once again, to be of major importance for international comparisons.


Jersey; Brown Swiss and Holstein conformation; Genetic Evaluation System (GES)

Published in

Publication- European Association for Animal Production
2003, number: 107, pages: 253-262 ISBN: 90-76998-16-7Publisher: Wageningen Academic Publishers


33rd Biennial Session of the International-Committee-for-Animal-Recording