Nordlander, Göran
- Department of Entomology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Research article2003Peer reviewed
Nordlander G, Bylund H, Orlander G, Wallertz K
Damage to planted conifer seedlings by the pine weevil, Hylobius abietis (L.), is considered to be less severe in shelterwoods than in clear-cuttings. To evaluate possible reasons for this reduction, this study investigated the relationship between seedling damage and pine weevil population density in the presence and absence of shelter trees. Assessments of seedling damage throughout a full growth season and absolute population density estimates were made at a fresh clear-cutting and an adjacent shelterwood (1 ha each). A grid of 100 pitfall traps was placed over each area, and population estimates were made using the mark-recapture technique. Pine weevil damage to seedlings was about twice as high in the clear-cutting, whereas pine weevil density was estimated to be higher in the shelterwood or about the same in the two treatments (similar to14 000 weevils ha(1)(-))(.) Existing differences in microclimate between the shelterwood and clear-cutting did not seem to be the cause of the differences in damage levels. Thus, the hypothesis that seedling damage is reduced in shelterwoods because of increased availability of alternative food remains a candidate for further testing
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research
2003, volume: 18, number: 5, pages: 438-448
Forest Science