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Research article2014Peer reviewedOpen access

Shoulder ulcers in sows are genetically correlated to leanness of young pigs and to litter weight

Lundeheim, Nils; Lundgren, Helena; Rydhmer, Lotta


The aim of this study was to estimate the heritability for shoulder ulcers (SU) and sows' body condition at weaning (BCw), and the genetic correlations between these traits and some production and reproduction traits included in the current breeding goal of sow lines. The analyses were based on data on Swedish purebred Yorkshire from nucleus as well as multiplier herds. The estimated heritabilities were for BCw 0.21, and for SU 0.13. Significant genetic correlations were found between sidefat thickness (at 100 kg) and BCw (thicker fat layer at 100 kg - better condition at weaning), between sidefat thickness and SU (thicker fat layer - less SU), between litter weight at 3 weeks and BCw (heavier litter - lower body condition) and between litter weight at 3 weeks and SU (heavier litter - more SU). The genetic correlation between BCw and SU was also significant (lower body condition - more SU).


longevity; welfare; Body condition

Published in

Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A - Animal Science
2014, volume: 64, number: 1, pages: 67-72
Publisher: Taylor & Francis: STM, Behavioural Science and Public Health Titles

SLU Authors

UKÄ Subject classification

Genetics and Breeding in Agricultural Sciences

Publication identifier

  • DOI:

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