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Scoping Report on Socio-Economic and Land Use Dynamics in the Stockholm-Mälar Region

Liljenström, Hans; Barthel, Stephan; Marbuah, George; Gren, Ing-Marie; Sundberg, Cecilia; Svedin, Uno; Liljenström, Hans; Gren, Ing-Marie


This scoping report for the COMPLEX work package 4 (WP4) on Socio-Economic and Land Use Dynamics in the Stockholm-Mälar Region has several objectives. The first is to present and outline the state-of-the-art, including a literature review, with regard to complex pathways to a low carbon society, with special relevance to the Stockholm-Mälar region. It will do so in a larger context of complex socio-natural systems, with an emphasis on a green economy, bioen-ergy and land use, as well as on societal transformation and behavioural change. Another objec-tive is to inform primarily our partners in COMPLEX, but also others who might be interested, including stakeholders in our study region. Perhaps the most important objective with this re-port is to provide a basis for the collaborative work within our work package, and with our col-leagues elsewhere. In this second revised version of the report, we have extended some parts, and shortened others, depending on suggestions and interesting new information. A part of this new information has come from a stakeholder workshop held in Sigtuna in early 2014, which to a great extent could contribute to a more elaborate analysis of stakeholder and policy maker positions. In addition, there is now a more extensive description of relevant land use modelling. The illustrations included in this report are extracted from scientific articles and other material that we are referring to. Their origin is explicitly cited but no copyright authorization has been requested, while this report is intended primarily for internal spread and use within the COM-PLEX consortium and its networks.

SLU Authors

UKÄ Subject classification

Environmental Sciences and Nature Conservation
Agricultural Science
Forest Science

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