Hernlund, Elin
- Department of Animal Biosciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Book2014Open access
Hernlund, Elin; Lönnell, Cecilia; Roepstorff, Lars; Lundholm, Marcus; Bergström, Lars; Andersson, Ann-Margrethe; Carlsson, Björn; Fogelberg, Fredrik; Krügel, Fia; Söderberg, Markku; Hoberg, Oliver; Egenvall, Agneta
Equestrian arena surfaces are a major investment for stable owners, riding clubs and private horse owners. With the growth of equestrian sport in recent decades, both in terms of financial turnover and number of participants, demands on and expectations on equestrian surfaces have increased. Surfaces are expected to promote both performance and soundness. Scientific testing of equine surfaces was first developed within Thoroughbred and Standardbred racing, where for decades scientists have studied associations between orthopaedic injury and surface properties. The background of biomechanical research into equine surfaces is described in more detail in the foreword. Thanks to these studies the information in this guide is supported by scientific data and on-going research. The guide also utilises advice from international arena consultants and equestrian professionals with years of practical experience of building and maintaining surfaces. The guide is aimed at those who want to build or renovate a riding arena, or those who require more knowledge about riding surfaces. Furthermore the guide provides advice on building and maintaining an indoor or outdoor arena. Many equestrians discuss and want an answer to what is ”the best” riding surface. As this guide shows, it is wiser to talk about a ‘surface that is most suited to your and your horse’s needs’, and that how well it works will also depend on how you treat it.
equine, footing surface, arena, horse, sand
Publisher: Svenska Ridsportförbundet
Other Veterinary Science