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Conference paper2005

Economically sustainable Swedish beef production by large-scale ranching and extensive pasture-mosaics

Kumm, Karl-Ivar


There is major risk that decoupling of EU income support for beef cattle will result in reduced beef production and a shortage of livestock for preservation of biodiversity in Swedish semi-natural pastures. Small, inefficient herds, high costs of grazing small, scattered pastures and expensive indoor wintering of beef cattle are important factors. However, decoupling of income support also for grain production and a conceivable abolition of the strict demand for replanting after clear cutting may create economic possibilities to re-establish large pasture-mosaics consisting of the present semi-natural pastures and arable land, and former pastures, which were afforested during the last century. Canadian experience and Swedish cost estimates suggest that large-scale beef production with outdoor wintering and grazing in such large pastures is economically sustainable even after decoupling. The risk of extinction of grassland species due to habitat isolation is lower in such mosaics than in small-scale pastures


beef; economic sustainability; pasture-mosaics; biodiversity

Published in

Grassland Science in Europe
2005, Volume: 10, pages: 231-234 Title: Proc. of the 13th International Occasional Symposium of the European Grassland Federation

Publisher: European Grassland Federation


The 13th International Occasional Symposium of the European Grassland Federation