Hånell, Björn
- Department of Silviculture, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Research article2005Peer reviewed
Von Arnold K, Hanell B, Stendahl J, Klemedtsson L
The objective of this study was to estimate the contribution of drained organic forestlands in Sweden to the national greenhouse gas budget. Drained organic forestland in Sweden collectively comprises an estimated net sink for greenhouse gases of -5.0 Mt carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalents year(-1) ( range -12.0 to 1.2) when default emission factors provided by the Good practice guidance for land use, land-use change and forestry are used, and an estimated net source of 0.8 Mt CO2 equivalents year(-1) ( range -6.7 to 5.1) when available emission data for the climatic zones spanned by Sweden are used. This discrepancy is mainly due to differences in the emission factors for heterotrophic respiration. The main uncertainties in the estimates are related to carbon changes in the litter pool and releases of soil CO2 and nitrous oxide
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research
2005, volume: 20, number: 5, pages: 400-411
Environmental Sciences and Nature Conservation