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Hög skogsproduktion och substitution bäst för klimatet

Eriksson Erik, Langvall Ola, Stendahl Johan, Olsson Mats, Gustavsson Leif, Sathre Roger, Gillespie Andrew

Published in

ISBN: 91-576-6891-4
Publisher: Årsrapport 2005 för LUSTRA, inst. f. skoglig marklära, SLU

      SLU Authors

        • Stendahl, Johan

          • Department of Forest Soils, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
          • Olsson, Mats

            • Department of Forest Soils, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

          UKÄ Subject classification

          Environmental Sciences related to Agriculture and Land-use
          Renewable Bioenergy Research
          Forest Science

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