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Conference paper2017Peer reviewed

Biological control of root pathogens in strawberry cultivation in tunnel

Khalil, Sammar; Svensson, Birgitta


Cultivation of strawberries in tunnels has been of interest in the last few years as a mean to expand the cultivation season and increase yield. The need to move the tunnels due to soil depletion is a disadvantage for production in tunnels. By shifting to a substrate cultivation, the tunnels could be stationary and open up for the possibility to expand the cultivation season and increase yield. However, a lot of factors must be optimized when cultivation of strawberries in substrate is considered. Among these factors is the spread of root pathogens belonging to fungal genera Phytophthora, Pythium, Fusarium and Verticillium that are the underlying cause for crow, rot and wilt diseases. In the current study a sustainable and secure strawberry production approach against root diseases using the biocontrol agent Binab T with Trichoderma isolates as active ingredients is evaluated. Investigations were carried out in tunnel on three different strawberry cultivars. The fungal pathogens Phytophthora cactorum and Verticillium dahlia were used as model pathogens and investigated with and without the presence of Binab T. The effect of Binab T on the investigated root pathogens varied depending on the plants cultivar and the type of pathogen present in the cultivation system. The best biocontrol against both pathogens was obtained with the strawberry cultivar 'Rumba'. Variations in this effect were observed when 'Honeoye' and 'Sonata' cultivars were used.


Trichoderma; Phytophthora cactorum; Verticillium dahlia; substrate; strawberry cultivars

Published in

Acta Horticulturae
2017, volume: 1156, number: 1156, pages: 811-815
Title: VIII International Strawberry Symposium
Publisher: International Society for Horticultural Science


Proceedings of the VIII International Strawberry Symposium : Québec, Canada, August 13-17, 2016

SLU Authors

Associated SLU-program

SLU Plant Protection Network

UKÄ Subject classification


Publication identifier

  • DOI:
  • ISBN: 978-94-62611-52-8

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